What to do with the windfall of tomatoes? This year I was able to dehydrate the extras in anticipation of the long winter without tomatoes. I never buy store tomatoes at all as they have no taste, are mealy and are not organic. This year I grew a lot of tomatoes, especially the mini plum tomatoes and I have too many to eat raw. I also make tomato sauce with some, but since I now have a dehydrator, I thought I would dry them.
If you cannot tolerate tomatoes you may want to check out my No Tomato Sauce recipe and video.
Dehydrated Tomatoes
Fresh homegrown tomatoes of any variety
- Pick your ripened tomatoes
- Using the mini plums I simply cut them in half
- If you are using large tomatoes cut them into quarters, leaving out the stem
- Add 1 gram of pure ascorbic acid (vitamin C) to a bowl of water
- Submerge the tomatoes in this water for about 3 -4 minutes
- This helps preserve the color (this step is optional if you do not want to add anything)
- Remove the tomatoes from the water and place on the dehydrator trays
- Run the dehydrator at 135 degrees for 7 – 8 hours
- Alternatively you could dry them in the oven on 150 degrees for 4 – 6 hours
- Check them and run longer if not dry enough
- Store in the refrigerator in an airtight container
- These can stay for months this way
- Dehydrator (I like this one)
Store in refrigerator soaking in extra virgin olive oil (these will stay for only a week or two this way)
How to Use Dried Tomatoes
- Add to any sauteed vegetable for a burst of flavor
- Add chopped pieces to breads and other baked goods
- Add pieces to salads
- Simply soak in extra virgin olive oil and eat as a side dish