Dr. Josh Axe on Fat Loss With Real Food

Dr. Josh Axe on Fat Loss With Real Food post image

I typically don’t advise “rapid weight loss” but I was intrigued with what Dr. Axe had to say about how real foods can be used appropriately for fat loss. Sadly, so many people try to lose weight and simply cannot seem to shed pounds no matter what they try. I have used these principles in my practice and they work! This presentation at the Real Food Con gives a great overview of what you really need to do to loss that fat.

All Real Foods are Superfoods

Dr. Axe explains that fake food is a food that has moved away from its design or its original lifestyle. This holds true for most food found in a package on a grocery shelf.

He states that real food is food that is in its original design or food that was living a lifestyle that was in its original design. Clearly he means that animals should be raised in the way they were meant to live — on pasture — and plants should be grown without the use of genetic modification or chemicals.

Top Fake Foods That Keep You From Losing Weight

1. Fake Protein Powders and Bars

According to Dr. Axe, the former Mr. America, Chris Azino developed ulcerative colitis from over consumption of protein powder. The hydrolyzed proteins in these powders rip up the intestines and cause leaky gut. That makes me wonder what daily use of protein powder can do to the average person.

2. Sugar

According to Dr. Axe, (and others) sugar is the number 1 cause of weight gain in American. It is stored as fat. While there is a place for raw honey, maple syrup and coconut nectar in moderation, it should be a very small part of the diet. Read more about the effects of sugar on your health.

3. Processed Grains and Gluten Containing Foods

Most grains have been hybridized, and they break down into sugar rapidly, even whole wheat. Not to mention that all commercial grain products have not been properly prepared with soaking, sprouting and/or sourdough fermentation.

Einkorn grain is the original wheat and has much less gluten and is not hybridized. Read more about the effects of grains on your health.

4. Soy

Soy contains phytoestrogens which may cause hormonal imbalance and hormonal weight gain. Read more about the effects of soy on your health.

5. Artificial Sweeteners

Studies show that the groups that drink artificially sweetened drinks do not lose weight — they gain weight. These chemicals are neurotoxins and these toxins are stored in fat cells.

According to Dr. Axe, these chemicals lead to neurotoxicity and this can lead to thyroid problems and gut issues. Read more about the effects of additives in food.

6. Conventional Meat and Dairy Products

Studies have found that there are 20 different chemicals and medications in our milk supply, 5 different types of steroids and growth hormones, and 4 types of painkillers.

These toxins are stored in fat and prevent fat loss. Factory farmed animals are treated inhumanely and are essentially sick animals on many medications. In fact, the FDA is being sued by a group of concerned scientists for allowing the extensive antibiotic use in livestock.

Any processed food will have chemicals in them and these chemicals prevent weight loss.

Real Foods that Support Fat Loss

In every single meal there should be three macronutrients:  healthy fat (short and medium chain triglycerides), fiber (by this I think he means vegetables and fruit) and protein from real sources.

Protein should be grassfed beef, pastured raised chickens and eggs and wild caught fish. Fats should be pastured butter, cultured dairy, coconut, kefir and cheese.

Grassfed Beef

Grassfed beef contains CLA (conjugated linoleic acid) which helps to burn body fat. It is high in iron and B vitamins and helps balance hormones.

There are 16 different types of CLA in grassfed beef. The CLA supplements have only 2.

Wild caught fish will have a good omega 3 fat profile and is much healthier than farmed fish which are feed grains.

Raw Fermented Dairy and Pastured Butter

These foods are high in whey protein, which is the fastest acting protein for muscle building and burning fat. They also contain short chain fats that promote good gut health and CLA for fat loss.

Look for raw and organic dairy products from goat, sheep or A2 cattle. According to Dr. Axe, goat’s milk kefir is ideal.

This is the butter I buy as it is from grassfed cows.

Raw Nuts and Seeds

Chia seeds are a traditional food used by ancient Aztec warriors and are a good plant based source of protein. They are also very high in omega 3 fats, they are a prebiotic that supports the growth of good bacteria in the gut and they contain fiber to help cleanse the colon and boost metabolism.

Flax seeds and hemp seeds also do the same.


Coconut contains medium chain fatty acids which are the easiest fat to burn for energy and promotes muscle building. Coconut has anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-yeast properties and can kill off candida yeast.

Coconut also lowers cortisol levels. The medium chain fatty acids have many medicinal benefits and is number one for fat loss. Read more about the many benefits of eating coconut.


There are many herbs that reduce inflammation, act as anti-oxidants and add nutrition–  such as ginger, cinnamon, tumeric, cayenne pepper (capsaicin), and others.

Just Eat Real Food

This was a very interesting and informative presentation and I learned some new things!

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  • Mary October 23, 2013, 12:57 pm

    Enjoying your reviews of things….thanks for doing it.

  • vin October 29, 2013, 2:44 am

    Great post! Thanks for sharing all this cool info on what kind of foods are truly healthy compared to the fake ones. It’s quite informative and a very helpful guide for those wanting to lose weight by dieting. abb workouts
