Should I Have My Child’s Wisdom Teeth Extracted?

Natural Health

May 02
Should I Have My Child's Wisdom Teeth Extracted? Wisdom teeth

Wisdom teeth can be a blessing or a curse. When they are in good alignment, they are useful. When they are impacted, they can be a curse. That begs the question, should I have my child’s wisdom teeth extracted?

Before you have your child’s wisdom teeth pulled there are some things you need to know. The information in this article was obtained from an online conference, in particular, an interview with Dr. Blanche Grube DDS.

Should I Have My Child’s Wisdom Teeth Extracted?

Dentists are quick to recommend that you have your child’s wisdom teeth pulled as routine.

It’s just like taking tonsils out when I was growing up – everyone seemed to need that done. Similarly, putting tubes in the ears of a child.

However, pulling the wisdom teeth – and invariably they recommend pulling all four – is more than just a simple routine surgery and it can have far reaching complications.

I’m going to show you my own son’s dental x-rays to prove to you that it may not be necessary to pull wisdom teeth.

Why are Wisdom Teeth Pulled?

Wisdom teeth are pulled when they are impacted.

This means that they are coming in at an angle that impinges on the tooth next to it – and not erupting properly.

They are out of alignment.

The tooth may be lying down sideways. Some impacted teeth are in the correct position, but they are just sitting there – not erupting. Something is preventing them from erupting.

This is not a good situation.

Having a non-erupted wisdom tooth is like having an ingrown hair.

The body will respond by sending white blood cells and fluid to the area. This can become a cyst in the jawbone that is red, hot and infected. These teeth have to be removed.

However, not all impacted wisdom teeth generate a cyst.

Dentists want them taken care of before age 24 – better yet, they recommend pulling them earlier. Dentists pressure the parents to get them extracted while children are in their teens.

This does make sense, because a younger person will usually tolerate the surgery better and keeping an impacted tooth in the gum is not a good thing, because it is in the wrong spot and the body will at some point try to get rid of it.

If there are wisdom teeth that have erupted, then Dr. Grube recommends keeping them.

Typically a panoramic x-ray is taken (at the orthodontist where most children end up) usually by age 16, as this is the age when the jaw supposedly stops growing.

My Son’s Experience with Wisdom Teeth

When my son was 15 when had a panoramic x-ray done at the orthodontist.

As you can see, he had what looks like two impacted wisdom teeth on the bottom.

Should I Have My Child's Wisdom Teeth Extracted? wisdom teeth

We were advised to get them removed. When I asked if his jaw would still grow and give them more room to straighten out, the answer was no.

I resisted.

I wanted to wait to see if they would straighten out.

We had another panoramic done 2 years later.

Should I Have My Child's Wisdom Teeth Extracted?, wisdom teeth

As you can see, the bottom wisdom teeth are starting to erupt and straighten out and the top teeth are starting to come down.

We were still told to have them all removed, because they would never totally straighten out.

We waited.

At age 21 we consulted with a surgeon and he took another panoramic.

Should I Have My Child's Wisdom Teeth Extracted? wisdom teeth

As you can see the wisdom teeth have straightened out. The only issue he found was that one of the upper wisdom teeth did not descend all the way. He wanted to pull that one and the corresponding tooth on the bottom.

Then he said that if we were going to do that we may as well pull all four.

That’s when we walked out the door.

The issue for him (and our regular dentist who also believes that the wisdom teeth should have come out) was that when a tooth has not totally descended, the bottom one may grow up towards it.

I don’t really see the issue in this.

Maybe I am wrong and will find out later, but honestly, the teeth look good to me.

Before Extraction Know This

One of the potential complications of tooth extraction is the possibility of a cavitation.

Dr. Grube believes that these are mainly caused, because when dentists extract teeth, they use novocain products that also contain epinephrine.

Epinephrine is used in order to reduce bleeding and it also helps keep the novocaine in place so the dentist can extract all four teeth without having to give more novocaine.

Novocaine also causes the heart to beat faster and at the same time it causes the blood vessels to contract.

But using epinephrine cuts down on the blood supply to the bone cells, because the capillaries are not getting oxygen and the bone cells can die. Healing may not occur as well when this is given and cavitations can occur because of this protocol.

Products without epinephrine are available to dentists.

Many times there are four cavitations from the four wisdom teeth that have been extracted in this way.

You may be interested in more about dental cavitations.

Sadly, most dentists deny the existence of cavitations.

There are actually very few dentists that are aware of this widespread problem and will extract the tooth in the correct way, which is by retrieving all the ligaments tissue and other debris in the socket, leaving it clean and free to heal.

Proper Removal of Wisdom Teeth

According to Dr. Grube, the proper removal of wisdom teeth involves:

  • using the novocaine product without epinephine
  • thoroughly clean out the socket
  • remove the apical ligament and the sac around the tooth
  • clean the area of all tissue

In extraction surgery, there is also the potential for another tooth to be damaged, if there was difficulty getting the tooth out.

Old Extraction Sites

There are millions of wisdom teeth that have been removed.

Most were not done properly, so there are bacteria and particularly the bacterial toxins that can seep out of the cavitation and make the patient sick.

There is no circulation inside the cavitation.

The white blood cells cannot get in to do their work. When it is opened up, there is bacteria, pus and a horrendous smell.

Dental Procedures as a Cause of Disease

Most people will not make the connection that their wisdom tooth extraction has caused a health issue 20 or 30 years later.

If you have a health issue, look in your own mouth. There may be a relationship if you have:

For more information about wisdom teeth see Is it Really Wise to Have Your Wisdom Teeth Removed?

What has been your experience with wisdom teeth? Leave a comment and let me know!

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