Recipe: Pulled Crock Pot Short Ribs with Butternut Gravy (Paleo, AIP)


Dec 04
Paleo short ribs, pulled short ribs

When the cool weather rolls in I get in the mood for a hearty savory meal like shortribs. I do believe that I have perfected a starch-free, tomato-free gravy that is so delicious you will want to use it for every meal.

Nightshades are Inflammatory

Nightshades can be very inflammatory for certain individuals and are not allowed on the Paleo Autoimmune Protocol.

Those on the AIP (Autoimmune Protocol) diet, as well as those on SCD and GAPS greatly benefit from removing nightshades from their diet – some forever, some for a limited amount of time.

Nightshade vegetables contain a family of chemical called glycoalkaloids, which may cause painful reactions in susceptible individuals.

For instance, the glycoalkaloid solanine is actually a poison that is found, mostly in potatoes, but also in tomatoes, eggplants and peppers, and any other compounds derived from this group such as chili peppers. It can drive inflammation and adversely affect someone who has arthritis or other inflammatory disorders and who is sensitive to it.

For some people, staying away from any source of solanine helps them avoid painful, inflammatory flareups.

But you don’t have to miss out on delicious gravies and sauces. Additionally, since there is bone broth in the gravy, it is full of nutritious collagen and gelatin.

Substitutes for Nightshade Vegetables

My No Tomato Sauce and my Butternut Squash Zoodle Sauce are fantastic substitutes for tomato sauce, but the combination of vegetables in this recipe is even better!

Add to that the use of homemade beef stock (bone broth) and it is spectacular!


Pulled Crock Pot Short Ribs with Butternut Gravy

SHort Ribs, Grassfed Meat
  • Prep Time: 30 minutes
  • Cook Time: 12 hours
  • Total Time: 12 hours 30 minutes
  • Yield: serves 5 - 6


  • 3 – 4 pounds of grassfed beef short ribs (where I get mine)
  • 1/2 of a small butternut squash (about 2 cups when chopped into 1/2″ pieces)
  • 1/2 medium celery root, skin removed and chopped
  • 1 medium onion chopped
  • 1 medium beet chopped
  • 2 cups beef stock (how to make)
  • Sea salt and pepper to taste
  • 4 bay leaves
  • 4 clove garlic squashed and chopped


  1. On top of the stove, heat the fry pan to medium and gently brown all side of the short ribs – place the fat side down first
  2. You may have to do this in sections until all the meat is browned
  3. Hold the meat aside in a large bowl
  4. There should be plenty of fat in the pan — add all the vegetables except the garlic and saute until somewhat soft
  5. At the end, for a minute or two, add the garlic and let it warm up
  6. Place the meat and vegetables in the crock pot
  7. Add the beef stock, and the bay leaves and salt and pepper
  8. Make sure the meat is covered with liquid – if not, add some more stock or water
  9. Cover the crock pot and set for 12 hours on low (I do this overnight)
  10. When cooked, remove the meat and vegetables into separate bowls and pour the gravy into another bowl or jar
  11. Le the meat cool a little, but this is the best time to use two forks to pull the shreds of meat apart
  12. If you wait until the meat is cold it is much harder
  13. After you pull the meat apart keep it in the bowl (You might savae the bones for broth but you would have to add knuckle bones for more collagen)
  14. Refrigerate until the next day when you will remove all the fat that comes to the top (there may be some on the meat but it is mostly on the gravy)
  15. Instructions for the gravy
  16. Skim the fat off the top of the jar of gravy and pour the gravy into a pot
  17. Take about half the vegetables and put into the pot
  18. Using an immersion blender, blend the vegetables with the liquid gravy
  19. This will thicken the gravy without using any starches or flours and it tastes great
  20. Put the vegetables that you saved, back into the gravy
  21. You now have a thick and savory gravy with vegetable pieces (you may want to add salt to the gravy or at the table)
  22. When refrigerated, this gravy will gel due to all the collagen and gelatin in the bones and the meat

Where to buy grassfed short ribs and other grassfed meat

Where I buy grassfed collagen and gelatin



















Pulled Crock Pot Short Ribs with Butternut Gravy (SCD, GAPS, Paleo, AIP)

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