About Jill

Hi. My name is Jill Tieman and I am a Nutritionist and Chiropractor. I recently started blogging at Real Food Forager.com and it has become a large part of my life.

I have a wonderful husband and son, without whom I could never have started Real Food Forager. They are the best!

I am also a chapter leader for the Great South Bay chapter of the Weston A. Price Foundation.

As a Clinical Nutritionist and Chiropractor with a  specialty in SCD (Specific Carbohydrate Diet) and GAPS (Gut and Psychology Syndrome), I found myself giving Weston Price Foundation, SCD or GAPS style advice again and again.  It became clear to me that I needed a way to get this dietary information to people in a usable, concise, outline without having to repeat myself again and again. I realized that if I used the format of a class, it could reach a lot of people. Importantly, I could refer people to this class for the details they would need to be successful on these various diets.

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